The Best British Sauces

Food connects people in the world, especially when we are talking about various flavors. The British are very passionate about their food and their sauces. There are multiple varieties that people love to eat with their meals, and they are well aware of what British Sauc e goes well with the dish. The British sauces differ slightly from other countries, and one can find many varieties of dips that can be seen elsewhere. Let's check out the most British sauce consumed by its people. Worcester Sauce: This sauce is made in 1840 A.D in the city of Worcester. It has a unique flavor that combines vinegar, molasses, garlic, anchovies, tamarind pulp, chili, pepper powder, sugar, salt, cloves, soy, lemon essence, and pickles. One can enjoy the sauce over a sausage, chops, toasted cheese, steaks, etc. Sometimes we can raise the taste of some dishes like meat stews, casseroles, pies, soups, and marinades by adding this sauce. The popular drink classic Bloody Mary is prepared by addi...